The Git-Up - Collège Marc Chagall

The Git-Up

, par Mme Haquet

How it all started ...

It all started last July when I saw a 14-second video showing a father and his daughter dancing next to their swimming pool. I found the two of them awesome !
It did not take me long to find out the song they were dancing to in the video : The Git-Up, by Blanco Brown. I started paying attention to the lyrics and quickly realized that I could use the song and teach my ESL students (8th grade) a few things.
Finally, I thought the song would be a good way to create cohesion and unity at the beginning of the school year. The song also allows students to be active in the classroom !!


Ici se trouvait une vidéo qui a été, depuis, retirée.

Un grand merci aux parents et aux élèves pour l’autorisation de publication !

What you can teach with The Git-Up

The Git-Up is a great song to learn / revise :

  • action verbs with imperative forms,
  • body parts,
  • directions,
  • feelings.

If you use extracts from interviews, you can also teach these two grammatical structures :

  • want to + V
  • want sb to + V.

Finally, students can give their opinions about the song.

Here is how the lesson was presented to the students :

The Git-Up (student)

Don’t Miss Blanco Brown’s Videos !!

Who’s next ?

So, who’s in for a Christmas version ? :)

mai 2024 :

Rien pour ce mois

avril 2024 | juin 2024


Police pour dyslexie ?
Interlignage double ?